The Magic of Four O’Clock

Four o’clock is golden.  I can hear four o’clock coming, wearing a bell around its neck.

I feel four o’clock in my bones. It’s the turning point in the day. Time to exhale. Get up. Think about what’s next. Could be coffee. Could be something intoxicating. Only a rude person would suggest four o’clock is too early for that. It might be a walk around the block or aimless wandering into another room.

Four o’clock’s intent changes with the seasons. In winter, the light is leaving and there’s the pleasant prospect of an early evening by firelight. In summer, if I choose to follow the light, there’s plenty of time left to see where it leads.

Professional schedules these days are often malleable. We may still be accountable to somebody, but how we do it varies.  It’s our own business how we set our internal clocks.   Four o’clock insists I pay attention.  Time to tap into fresh resources and keep going or wrap it up for the day.

I’m guessing most of us have a magic hour, declared or not, a time when everything shifts.  Four o’clock is mine.


Couple of links.

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Click the picture for my website.  Projects and such.


10 thoughts on “The Magic of Four O’Clock”

  1. When I am ready for a fun read I like to read your stuff and Daves, not often enough though might keep 4:00 as a reading point for me to chill

  2. Thank you for reading and stopping by here to say hello. It’s nice to chat this way.

  3. Yeah, I love this one. It touches me and makes me think about my magic hour:
    5:00 a.m. when I’m working. That when I press a red button and say, “Good morning!” I’ve been up since 2:30 but I reconnect with the world st 5:03. (After network news.)

  4. Perfect timing for a Texas Morning Drive Anchorman. I also love that time of day. That’s when the thoughts that wake me want to be put down in sentence form.

  5. Love this. For me, it is the magical hour of the deadline before the “Happy Hour”. If I have put off doing something all day (like lifting some light weights). I tend to put the thing I like least at the top of the mental list and do everything else just to avoid that one thing…. until 4 o’clock. ? Why not get it out of the way first? SIGH.

  6. I feel your pain. Procrastination is a skill I’m also good at. Equal only to rationalization.

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