Remember when we were very young and thought “happy” was our birthright? As the years went on, we’d do a lot of things just to get some of that. Today I think “content” or “peaceful some of the time” will suffice. I don’t think of these as compromises, but rather as more likely-sustainable states of mind.
Awesome. Feeling it.
Rob, I knew you would.
Never more true for me too!
It’s the joy of perspective. Good enough really is good enough.
Dave – yes! So glad these truths seep in while we’re still around to enjoy them.
i agree! redefine and adjust your expectations. years ago i discovered that my “happiness” goal was really just “a general sense of well-being.” still elusive, however. so for me it’s a quilt-in-progress of happy moments that, when viewed through your rear view mirror look like a whole, “happy” bunch of good times. voila`!