Retirement makes me love being stupid

by Dave Williams

June 29, 2024 –

People like to ask what I do every day now that I’m retired. It’s a hard question to answer because I do a lot of things that fascinate me but would sound like a complete waste of time for nearly everyone else.

I do stuff around the house, I write, I watch a little TV, and I nearly always take a nap with the dogs. But you know what I love most? Thinking. It’s something I haven’t had time to enjoy for most of my adult life. It’s the ultimate indulgence.

“Sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits.” – A.A. Milne (Winnie the Pooh)

What amazes me about getting old is the constant revelations of things I never gave much thought to.

Sometimes those revelations only create more and much bigger questions. Physics, for example: the construction and meaning of life.  I’ve always been as curious as everyone but shrugged it off as unknowable, and what the hell, let’s order another drink.  But recently, as I approach what we all assume will be the end of our existence, it has become a fascinating focus of my curiosity.

Who am/was I and why?

I want to soak up as much information as I can before it all becomes irrelevant.

The last couple of days I’ve been listening to a Lex Fridman podcast in which he talks with astrobiologist and theoretical physicist, Sara Walker. She’s one of those people with an IQ that’s off the charts. People who make the charts don’t know what to do with her. Lex keeps up with her pretty well but I get lost in nearly every exchange.

My progress is slow, the podcast is long. I feel stupid. I don’t know what I’ll take from it when I’ve reached the end but I do know it fascinates me.

I would be content to live retired without much mental stimulation. I love my wife, our dogs, our home, and our family and friends. I enjoy old movies and TV shows as much as the next old fat guy. But thinking about things I don’t understand excites me. It sends me down rabbit holes far more entertaining than the old Star Trek episodes I’ve been binging lately.

I think Sara Walker would agree without having a good handle on it herself.

I believe that excites her.

She’s hella smart but she’s still young.